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How can I access my subscriptions?

You can see all profiles you are subscribed to under ''My subscriptions'' on Social tab of your account.
Latest videos from your favourite models and recently uploaded videos from channels you are subscribed to can be easily accessed from ''My subscriptions'' under the Account button in the top right corner of the page.
If you want to see recent activity of your friends and channels you are subscribed to (uploaded videos, new photos and favourites), you can find it under ''Activities'' on Social tab of your account.

Audience: Viewers

How can I easily locate videos that I liked?

Your "liked" videos can be found by selecting "Videos I like" after clicking the Account button in the top right corner.

Audience: Viewers

How can I import the XVideos database to my tube script?

You can download our entire database here.

Audience: Everyone

How can I keep track of the deleted videos?

By using this special RSS feed of deleted videos.

Audience: Everyone

How can I prevent my children from accessing XVideos?

Read our section on "Parental Control"

Audience: Viewers

How much do you charge to view videos?

The content on XVideos.com is available for free. However if you would like to support the uploaders and experience their premium content you can purchase a premium membership at XVideos.RED.

Audience: Viewers

I saw a video that doesn't work!

Unfortunately, given the large quantity of videos on our site, there may be some instances where certain videos TEMPORARILY do not work. Typically the problem will be a "This video will be available soon" message or the video will load only a small portion of its length. Once again these problems are only temporary. If you were able to access a certain video page that means it is still in the database and will be fixed. If you notice a video that doesn't work for a longer period of time feel free to contact us.

Audience: Viewers

I want to exchange links / trade traffic with XVideos.

We do not exhange links or trade traffic but you are totally free to link to our pages.

Audience: Everyone

Where can I find Gay and Trans videos?

Click the "site's settings" in the top right corner of the page (gear icon) and select Gay or Trans category. Please note that you must use the search from these categories (or related subpages) to see gay and trans content in the results.

Audience: Viewers